As the industry changes and evolves, being service and customer focused has become even more critical to sustained success. This is where the Membership Engagement Program (MEP) assists all business to grow and develop meaningful relationships between staff and members.
We provide the system, procedures, tracking, coaching and accountability to achieve this for your club and staff and are regarded as the Engagement specialists for the Fitness Industry. Our aim is to teach all those on the program to develop a more comprehensive understanding of Engagement, this then translate into a greater retention of members and staff.
Here’s one example of a club who have benefitted from working with the Member Engagement Program:
- Pre-MEP average: 90 cancellations
- Currently averaging: 55 cancellations
- Reduced by 39%
- PT increase: from 2 to 6
- Total projects earned: 8 PTs = Annual Turnover $90,000
MEP helps you get results
Decrease attrition by up to 40%
- As we transition the program and embed the practises you will see attrition rates slide backwards.
Increase in PT revenue and growth of PT team
- PTs will grow their business by a minimum of 3 clients per week resulting in an increase in revenue to the organisation.
- Clubs will need to be actively recruiting PTs to ensure the demand of Personal Training can be met.
PT trainees
- The program is a very effective way to grow your team through trainees. Trainers are exposed to engagement techniques whilst they are completing their qualifications which enables them build relationships and convert clients.
Decrease in staff attrition
- Successful supported staff rarely leave an organisation. The MEP is the glue that connects the embers to staff. PTs who have a client list of 30/40 with an average of 1.5 sessions per client are earning a sizeable income and working in a field they are passionate about.